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Hardware Competition
Registration is open and closes February 22nd 2025!
Click here to register for the hardware competition. All students must also register for the SoutheastCon Conference.
What is Hardware Competition
A student-centered program focused on giving college students a unique and exciting learning opportunity with robotics. Each year, teams take on a new game where they design, build, test, and program a fully Autonomous Robot to perform a series of tasks. The competition is held during the IEEE SoutheastCon.
What is Mining Mayhem
The year is 2047. After GRID successfully deflected asteroids from comet 2047-5-L1, it was discovered that they contained valuable materials, Geodinium and Nebulite. Your team’s rover is recruited to quickly collect these Astral Materials before the asteroids sail off into space, never to be seen again. Your robot touches down with T-3 minutes till the point of no return, so you have to collect as many astral materials as possible, put them into cosmic shipping containers, and bring them to the rendezvous pad communicated from the telemetry. There are also reports of a strange geographical feature like a cave… With the amazing materials your robot collects, the world will be able to build new technologies never seen before!
Registration is open and closes February 22nd 2025!
Click here to register for the software competition. All students must also register for the SoutheastCon Conference.
Click here for the Software Competition rules.
Key Dates
January 1st , 2025 Registration for the Software Competition opens. February 22nd, 2025 Registration for the Software Competition closes. March 27th, 2025 Competition prompt be released and students can start working on it on site at SoutheastCon or virtually March 29th, 2025 Competition ends early morning time. Students must be on site by the end of the competition and submit their project via a flash drive (each team must provide their own flash drive and can get them back at the end of the banquet).
Expected team size:
– Each branch can have 1 team in this competition
– Team size will be 5 students. Teams can have graduate students on their team but each graduate student will count as 2 undergrad. Therefore, if a school wanted to make a team of 2 grad students then they would be able to also have 1 undergrad.
Registration is open and closes February 22nd 2025!
Click here to register for the circuit design competition. All students must also register for the SoutheastCon Conference.
Click here for the circuits competition rules.
Key Dates
January 1st , 2025 Registration for the Competition opens.
March 28th-29th , 2025 Competition occurs at SoutheastCon
Expected team size:
– Each Region 3 branch can expect to have 1 team in the main bracket of the competition. Any teams are allowed to enter into open.
– The team size is 3 students. Students can be undergrad or grad, however, a grad student counts as 2 students.
This competition is moving back to the pre pandemic model where there will be a written competition on Friday afternoon and the top 4 teams will continue onto a finals competition on Saturday morning.
Click here for the competition rules
Click here to register for the competition by Feb 22nd 2025!
Key Dates
January 1st , 2025 Competition rules are posted
March 28th-29th , 2025 Networking competition occurs at SoutheastCon
Competition Rules: Click Here
Registration: There is no registration for this competition. Students are automatically registered when they start submitting rubrics from their pitches with judges.
Team size:
– Students compete as individuals and not a team
– There is no limit on the number of students that compete from a university
– This is a perfect competition for students to do in addition to other SoutheastCon competitions. This is fully self driven and would not overlap with any other competition
Presentation rules can be found by clicking here
Students can register by clicking here
Competition Timeline
Feb 23rd (Sunday) Deadline for registering for the competition (with the abstract)
March 23rd (Sunday) Deadline for submitting Presentation file (PPTX or PDF)
March 29th (Saturday) Students present on-site at SoutheastCon
March 29th (Saturday) Winners are announced at SoutheastCon Banquet
Rules for this competition can be found by clicking here
This competition is now back to its pre-pandemic structure. Key updated to know about this years promotional design competition:
1) Students have to turn in their physical t-shirt
2) The only category for promotional design is t-shirt (website is becoming its own competition). Each branch can only submit one t-shirt. This change does mean that if your branch has a robot in main and open, you will have to decide which one will get the bonus points for competing in the promotional design competition.
Saturday, March 28th, 2023 at Noon Student Branch Promotional Competition ends/registration deadline: Design review email must be received by this point and a physical t-shirt must be submitted to the registration desk.
Students can submit their entry to the competition any time up until the competition’s closing.
The travel rebate is only for Region 3 branches! Student branches must fill out the travel rebate interest for by January 24th 2025 in order to qualify for receiving the travel rebate. Click here to access the form.
The travel rebate policy will be adjusted based on the responses received from the interest form. Every branch that fills out the interest form will receive at least the amount calculated from the current travel rebate policy, which is listed below:
IEEE Region 3 Travel Policy Student Branch Travel to SoutheastCon (policy as of January 2024)
Branches must attend the SoutheastCon banquet in order to qualify for the travel rebate. Branches must send a photo of their branch at the banquet to to receive credit for attending the banquet.
- Each student branch will be reimbursed for the roundtrip mileage of one (1) vehicle at the mileage rate authorized by the IEEE Controller (70 cents/mile).
Per Diem (food/lodging/incidentals):
- Branch Chair at $50/day, 2.5 days maximum, contingent on attendance at the Student Branch Leadership Training meeting.
- Branch Counselor at $50/day, 2.5 days maximum, contingent on attendance at the Branch Counselor Training meeting.
- Onsite Student Competition participant (one per branch) at $50/day, 2.5 days maximum.